The Rats by James Herbert

3 stars 

Ok, so I realise this book is like 40 years old or something. But I definitely like the new cover that it's been given and it doesn't sound like something from that long ago. I bought this book because I fancied something a little easy going and something a bit horrible/gory. 

The general premise of this book is that London is being attacked by giant black rats. The majority of the book follows our main character, Harris, and his involvement with the rats. Every now and again, there will be a chapter or two however that doesn't involve Harris and how they are killed by the rats. The book is explicit in how it describes the rats killing and eating is prey. There is also quite a few pages which talks explicitly about sex too. The book even starts off with a chapter about a gay man. 

Alot of the content within this book was probably a lot more explicit for those reading this book in the 1970s. By standards today, nothing shocked me and I found the book to be a quick read in terms of its gore factor. Obviously there was some lacking in character depth and the story was nothing crazily original - but this didn't bother me. I did quite like the random chapters with other characters stories on how they die too. I have read a few reviews on goodreads about this book and there are two books which follow 'The Rats'. I will probably give them a read at some point just to see where they go. However, I doubt I will be watching the film adaptation any time soon! 

Definitely one to give a quick read when you fancy something a bit gory and wild. This book takes you away from all the other books which are really well written and take alot of effort to read. I read this in around 3-4 hours over two days as it is only 200 pages long. It definitely gave my mind a rest too. 

Happy reading :) 


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