2 Stars.
The story follows a girl who is born in 1910 called Ursula. Ursula has to relive her life over and over again until she carries on into the next chapter of her life.
I wrote a few posts ago that I was struggling to finish this book. Somehow I managed it, and now I really regret it. I should have just left the book and not gone back to it. Way back months ago when I bought this book, I couldn't wait to start it. The idea of the story is great, and the writing style is good too. But I was just so bored. I flicked through so many chapters in this book because of the constant back and forth to the beginning. I did enjoy finding out how Ursula progressed passed certain parts in her life, but getting to this progression annoyed me. I couldn't see why it was necessary - I won't spoilt the story if you do wish to read this book. There are some good reviews of this book out there and can understand why some people enjoyed the book. However, getting to the actual reason why Ursula had the sense of deja vu, didn't need so many backs and forths, chapters and pages. Overall, I was disappointed with this book, but maybe you won't be.
I have finally managed to also catch up on my Vampire diaries - I am finally starting to enjoy the sixth season and the storylines. Episode 9 finishes with poor Bonnie yet again being left behind - is anybody but myself starting to get a little annoyed with this? Bonnie is consistently the one left behind. Everybody else always gets back somehow and Bonnie is always sacrificing herself. And Jeremy is pretty much doing my head in. Yes, we all understand that Bonnie has been taken from you. But I'm pretty sure that the writers of the vampire diaries just like to throw Jeremy into the show now and again so that we all know that he is still alive. And Damon, although I very much enjoyed hearing that he was in purgatory again to save Bonnie, not because of Elena, his character is sort of getting to the 'doing my head in' stage also. I have no idea where this season will end, and as it is the last ever season, will everyone end up with and where they should be? And assuming this is the last season of TVD, what will this mean for the originals? I know that it is quite a separate programme, but will TVD's cast still jump in now and again? Many questions to be answered...
Last night I watched Jessabelle - I couldn't remember watching the trailer for this film but I remembered I wanted to watch it - how stupid of me. Anyways, the story follows Jessabelle, who likes to be called Jesse, returns to her childhood home following a car accident. The house is pretty derelict and her dad is pretty much of a loner. Whilst in the house Jesse stays in the room her mother did in her final months as she is in a wheelchair. Upon staying in the room, Jesse stumbles across some tapes her mother left her that tell Jesse her fortune in tarot cards. After watching the tapes, weird thins begin to happen.
I overall enjoyed the film and would give it a higher mark than IMDB would give it (5.3). It wasn't the best horror/thriller I have ever watched, and there was some pretty general scenes in the genre of the film. But I did enjoy finding out where the entity was coming from, and the twist at the end. I love films with a twist, and for that, I would give it a 7/10. If you like a pretty general horror/thriller, watch this film. It was good to watch at home, maybe not so much at the cinema.
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Happy reading :)
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