5 Stars.
The secrets of life and death follows two intertwined stories. The first follows Edward Kelley and his Master, Dee on a journey to save a countess from dying. Little do they know when they start their journey what dark magic they will encounter along the way and the Inquisition from Rome. The second part of the story follows a number of characters; Jack who is on borrowed time and must save a young girl from death and kidnap; and Felix, who is a professor of anthropology at the University.
I rarely read reviews from other bloggers and/or Goodreads and then go out and buy a book. But this one, I just couldn't resist. And I'm glad I didn't. This book felt like such a fast read, the writing was quick and easy, which I love in a book. I hate books which over complicate things and use too many 'big words'. Despite being University educated myself, it takes out the fun of reading for me. I don't want too go into too much detail in the synopsis in case I give away too much. But reading this book and then reading that Dee and Kelley did exist, as well as a number of other characters from their time, really gave some backdrop to the story and made it more interesting. I loved the way Rebecca has used history into modern day in this story, it really worked. I also loved the characters of Jack and Felix, they were my favourite and I couldn't wait to read the chapters with those two in the most. I really look forward to reading the second book in this series, I really hope it is as good as the first. I have mentioned before about giving 5 stars to books and this is the first on my blog that I have given it too, but it is so well deserved. I have recommended this book to a few of my friends who read this type of book and hope they enjoy it as much as I have.
I am currently reading the shining girls at the moment by Lauren Beukes and I am half way through at the moment. Hopefully I should be ready to review this book by the beginning of next week.
Happy reading :)
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