2.5 Stars.
I was really looking forward to reading this book and found that what happened was nothing as to what I expected. The plot revolves around two main characters and switches alternately between them; Amber Fraser and Christy Davenport. Amber moves into the house in 2012 and a year later 'suddenly departs'. She moves in with her husband and has the house renovated. After this supposedly sudden departure 12 months later, Christy and her husband buy the house and soon find out that there is some sort of secret going on in the street. Christy becomes obsessed with trying to find out why everyone is being strange with her and why the Frasers left in the first place.
I was expecting this book to be some sort of thriller. For there to be some sort of really good reason as to why they left. But it wasn't. Once the plot started to unfold, it was very easy to guess what was going on and what was going to happen. It certainly didn't feel like a sudden departure in the end and the book certainly didn't need 500 pages to tell the story. The only reason I gave this book even 2.5 stars was because I like the characters. They were reasonably well developed and I liked reading Amber's story despite everything else.
Overall, this book sounds like a great read and you cannot wait to see what is going to happen. However, this book was a complete downfall in that way and I'm not sure I would read any of Louise's books in the future for fear that the plots are not well designed. The book would probably be good for someone who likes to read more general books and is not overly a fan of thriller books.
Happy reading :)
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