2 Stars
I read so many good reviews about this book before I read it and the underpinning themes which go with the book. But, after reading 'What We Saw' and wanting to see what all the fuss about, I was overly disappointed. I understand the idea's behind the book but I just felt that the way the book was written was for a much younger audience. The writing style was just too simplistic and although it meant for an easy and quick read; I don't feel as though the meanings behind the story were brought through by writing this way.
Ok so, 'What We Saw' follows Kate as the main character, and whom's perspective and voice the book takes throughout. Kate attends a party and ends up going home early as she is too drunk. Over the next few days it is revealed that some of the school in which she attends Basketball team players have been accused of sexual assault at the party. Now, the idea of the book and the constant back and forth of whether they did it, the school and friends passing the assault off as a misunderstanding. There seems to be a constant lack throughout the whole story of anyone believing the girl assaulted except from Kate, who seems to be the only one who wants the truth.
I can see from this how this books presents so many discussions on the issue of rape, the large proportion of victims whose attackers are never found guilty or enough evidence being found. But I had such a hard time getting interested in this plot by all the boring/simplistic writing. There was also too much going on in back story. There was too much lacking in character development too. The main character Kate was developed reasonably well but it was done in quite a boring way.
Overall, a promising idea but lack of depth in the storyline and plot development for the main issues to be raised to the reader.
Happy reading :)
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