The story of Lucius Cane by Vanya Ferreira

3.5 Stars

I was recently requested by the author of this book for a review of his short story. As this was actually my first request since starting my blog, as you can image I was overly excited! I may even have to actually put in a request page on my blog for future reference! Thank you again Vanya for your request. 

The short story is set in London, 1794, and follows our vampire character, Lucius Cane, as he shows to have a peculiar desire to keep us humans safe and a more thirst quenching desire for his own kind. We are also introduced to another character known as Jack the Hound who was marked by a werewolf and is now seen as more of a killer for hire. When Jack is found in a tavern in London, he is requested to pay back his debt for his mark by killing a particular vampire. 

As readers of my blog may know, I enjoy reading supernatural books, vampires and werewolves. This story was not an exception to this rule and as far as short stories go, managed to pack enough detail and storytelling into a small amount of words/pages. The writing style was good enough for this book to become a fully forged book which many of us readers of the supernatural/mystery genre would definitely have read. I enjoyed the characters in the story and how they were slightly different than your 'average' vampire and werewolf. The story also gave us a generous amount of background and setting for the short amount of words. 

I would say the only downfall on this short story was that it was only a short story - I would definitely have loved to have read more of this story, more background, more character build up (hence my 3.5 stars). I have read on Vanya's amazon profile page that he is intending to bring a book out at towards the end of this year which I look forward to reading and reviewing. 

Definitely worth a read in anticipation to Vanya's upcoming book and a somewhat 'taster' if you will of his writing. 

Happy reading :)


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