The Birth of Death by Joseph Macolino

4 Stars. 

Macolino is another one of those kind of unknown authors that has also pleasantly surprised me. The writing and overall ideas behind this book are also really great. 

The story follows Artimus who is head investigator for the Elvish kingdom known as Evorath. Artimus comes across an interesting investigation involving kidnappings which then sends him, a handful of rangers and a beautiful elvish druid named Savannah. As they come across some dark magic in the caves, Artimus and Savannah cross paths with a centaur named Irontail who is a young warrior. As the threats towards Artimus's own kingdom and those around the forest grows, Savannah takes part in a druid ancient ritual to which they hope will save them all. 

What made me say yes to reading this book was the mixture of fantasy and some sort of crime/thriller (I am quite terrible at putting things into specific genres!). I do enjoy reading fantasy but I have to be particularly drawn in to want to read them and end up enjoying them. The writing for this book I would say isn't overally fast paced but it isn't slow either. I found it had a nice rhythm and flowed just right. I also really enjoyed all the characters too; they definitely all worked together. 

The world that Macolino has developed here also works really well. It is definitely something a bit different and I really like the mix of slightly different fantasy characters compared to the usual. The use of centaurs was a nice touch and I would say my favourites were definitely the use of druids within this storyline. I will certainly be keeping my eye out for reading the next book in the series to see where Macolino takes his series next. 

Overall, this book is definitely a really good start to this series and I think a lot of fantasy readers will definitely want to read it due to the different takes on the fantasy characters/world building. Looking forward to the next!

Happy reading :) 


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