Black-Eyed Susans by Julia Heaberlin

5 Stars.

I had heard of this book several times for friends and actually bought this ages ago. I'm glad I took on board all those high ratings, I really loved this. 

The book follows Tessa as our main character and goes back and forth between present day and 1995. Tessa was the victim of the black-eyed Susans killer; the only survivor found in a grave of three other individuals. The book follows Tessa's visit to a psychiatrist following the events of her victimisation and leading up to the trial in 1995; whilst present day leads up to the execution of the man sent to prison as the black-eyed Susans killer. Someone is laying black-eyed Susans outside her home and Tessa believes the killer is still out there... 

I really enjoyed the way this book used the past and present day. That kind of dialogue doesn't always work for some books, but for this one, it worked extremely well. The writing was superb and I had absolutely no idea who the killer was until they were revealed. I love reading a good thriller where we have no idea until the end. The suspense and build up throughout was great. I really enjoyed the psychiatric sessions the most. I really hope that Heaberlin brings out some more books of this genre and lives up to the expectations of this book. 

I really don't have too much to say about this book as I loved it. I have absolutely no negatives that I can think to say! Overall, a great read and for anybody who loves a good thriller and a twist!

Happy reading :) 


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