Puck by Kim Askew and Amy Helmes

3.5 Stars.

I received a lovely copy of this from the authors in exchange for my honest review. Thank you again! 

The book follows Puck as our main character who is having a hard time fitting into a foster home and has yet again been kicked out. After being kicked out, Puck ends up at a rehabilitation wilderness camp with fellow delinquents which include a famous pop star, a geeky math whizz, and a gang-banger. Puck tries everything she can at first to cheat her way out of the camp. However, what Puck doesn't quite realise at first, is that the camp is exactly what she needs. 

This book is loosely based on Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Nights Dream' which I haven't actually read or seen the play of so I would say it's quite hard for me to say how similar it is or how much of 'Puck' is inspired by Shakespeare. This was an interesting book and read nicely, however, I would say that it wasn't really for me in the end. I have had a look at the reviews on Goodreads and a lot of other readers really enjoyed it, so please don't be put off by me not wholly loving it. There are some uses of Shakespeare quotes and the pace was good. The characters were generally interesting and worked well too. There was definitely plenty of back story too and enough action. 

I wouldn't say that I had any issues with this book other than the plot overall just wasn't me and sometimes that's just how it is with books! We can't love them all! I think it would definitely have been nice to have had some more of an idea of the Shakespeare original and/or read it. 

Overall, this was a very solid book and there is definitely plenty to enjoy. I would probably recommend this to anyone with any interest in young adult. It is something a little different but maybe not for everyone! 

Happy reading :)


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