His Bloody Project by Graeme Macrae Burnet

4 Stars

So I picked this one up as I always love books that are a mixture of fiction/possible fact and get the mind thinking. I don't read too much non-fiction other than the odd one that is crime/science kind of thing. The mind and the criminal justice system are two of the biggest intrigues for me!

In 1869,  Roderick Macrae is incarcerated the murder of three individuals: Flora (a young girl of 15-16), her younger brother of three years old, and her father, Lachlan Mackenzie. The book is presented through numerous documents including the entire account leading up to the murder by Roderick, the trial and his examinations (mental and physiological). 

Not sure there is much else to say about the synopsis of this book as, although the ending is obvious, there is alot throughout the book which makes you think and things which aren't said through the authors own synopsis. Something that I would say definitely needs pointing out is that this book is entirely fiction! I was surprised too and although I would have loved some fact basis, it is quite amazing that Burnet managed to write the entire thing as fiction. Although there was probably mountains of research into that time of year, the way people lived and the justice system, it still makes for a mighty piece. There are numerous things throughout the trial which make you question Roderick, his motives, and who he really wanted to kill that day. Although not especially present in Roderick's accounts and somewhat in the trial, the sexualised parts of Roderick's mind/personality/movements should be something to think of. I would definitely go into reading this book with the mind that it was quite slow when reading Roderick's accounts and don't be expected to get really thinking until half way through.

Overall, this was something very different and love books that get the mind thinking! I only wish there was more of them. I'm definitely intrigued to see what book Burnet brings out next!

Happy reading :) 


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