The Loney by Andrew Michael Hurley

1.5 Stars. 

Well, this is one of the worst books I have read in such a long time, or even for as long as I can remember! Reading the reviews on Goodreads, there is definitely a mixture of some people really enjoying this book and others feeling like me. So, I will start with a brief summary of the plot and why I really didn't enjoy this book. 

The book follows Smith whose viewpoint this story takes and retells the events that occurred forty years earlier at the loney. As a young boy, Smith takes a pilgrimage with his fanatically devout mother, father, his disabled brother and some other individuals to a tiny island off the north west coast of England. The story follows the religious pilgrimage at Easter to a special shrine that Smith's mother is rather keen on and the events that take place there. 

To start with my review, there was way too much emphasis on the religion for me in this book. I kind of understand some of it, especially some of the back story, but for me, it just completely overtook the entire storyline. I was bored. I was on page 230, and was wondering if anything was actually going to happen before it finished on page 360. The writing was rather nice and Hurley knows how to write at a good pace, but that is probably the only positive thing to say about this book. I would honestly say that this is the most boring book I have ever read and was lucky that I even finished it. 

Overall, this was definitely not for me and I feel that my time has been wasted. As I said, some people really enjoyed this, but not me! 

Happy reading :)


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