4.5 stars.
My first finished read of the year. I couldn't wait to read this book and even started it on Christmas Day. But unfortunately life sometimes gets in the way and it took me a while to get down and sit and read this book. The story follows a case of a serial sniper with the mixture of a few other cases which seem unlinked at that time other than being examined at Scarpettas office. There is also a personal touch to the storyline in that Kay and her husband seem to be targeted by an unknown source and an insurance investigator.
Cornwell always researchers her work before writing a novel and has a lot of background knowledge. She writes very deeply into how things work in a medical office and autopsies. Not many novels do this and it is just one reason I love reading her books. There have been a few previous books I have slightly enjoyed more than this and have enjoyed this one more than some. It does seem to be the way with Cornwell's books. But I love waiting for the next one and will carry on with the series. I look forward to the next one.
Happy reading :)
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