Paper and Fire by Rachel Caine

4.5 Stars. 

I've been waiting something like a year for the next book in the series of The Great Library. I really enjoy Caine's books (such as the Morganville Vampire series) and they are always really easy to read and enjoyable. 

So the second book in this series follows almost straight on from the first (which I have also reviewed on my blog). Jess is now part of the High Garda and Morgan is locked away in the Iron Tower. Jess is carrying on a sideline sort of job for his father in stealing rare books in Alexandria and is now also on the search to find out what really happened to their friend Thomas. Jess and his friends become involved in a deadly secret held by the library and is now being hunted by the automata. Jess must try and save his friends and a way out from the library. 

I was really unsure where the next book in the series was going to go but I found that it was still enjoyable, easy to read and fast paced. There was also quite a few action scenes and the odd twist. I really enjoy all of the characters and there was always just enough description mixed in with the right amount of dialect. I don't really have too much to say for my review of this book other than that I am really enjoying this series and will definitely look forward to the next one. If you are a fan of Caine's other books/series and haven't had a chance to pick up her new series about the library, then you won't be disappointed. Caine is very talented in her world building and the concept of library being the leader of the world is a great one but also a terrifying one. 

Overall, a great read and looking forward to the next!

Happy reading :)


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